
26 04, 2022

What Is Undue Influence?

By |2022-04-26T12:36:35-05:00April 26th, 2022|Asset Protection, Estate Planning, Family Planning, Guardianship, Long-Term Care, Medicaid Planning, Retirement Accounts, Special Needs, Taxes, Trust Administration, Wills & Probatesssss|

Saying that there has been "undue influence" is often used as a reason to contest a will or estate plan, but what does it mean?

26 04, 2022

If You Don’t Want an IRA Distribution, You Can Donate It to Charity

By |2022-04-26T12:36:35-05:00April 26th, 2022|Asset Protection, Estate Planning, Family Planning, Guardianship, Long-Term Care, Medicaid Planning, Retirement Accounts, Special Needs, Taxes, Trust Administration, Wills & Probatesssss|

Not everyone needs their required minimum distributions from their retirement accounts to make ends meet. If you don’t need your distribution, one option is to donate it to charity and not pay taxes on it. 

26 04, 2022

When to Avoid Naming a Trust as Beneficiary of Your Retirement Plan

By |2022-04-26T12:36:35-05:00April 26th, 2022|Asset Protection, Estate Planning, Family Planning, Guardianship, Long-Term Care, Medicaid Planning, Retirement Accounts, Special Needs, Taxes, Trust Administration, Wills & Probatesssss|

Naming a trust as a beneficiary of your retirement plan can be a good idea in some circumstances, but it can be dangerous if you are worried about creditors coming after your estate. 

26 04, 2022

How Long Does an Executor’s Job Take?

By |2022-04-26T12:36:35-05:00April 26th, 2022|Asset Protection, Estate Planning, Family Planning, Guardianship, Long-Term Care, Medicaid Planning, Retirement Accounts, Special Needs, Taxes, Trust Administration, Wills & Probatesssss|

Being the executor of an estate can be a time-consuming job, depending on the size and complexity of the estate. While a simple estate can take a few months and not require a huge time commitment, if there are problems, the job can drag on for years. 

25 03, 2022

When a Social Security Recipient Dies, Survivors May Be Eligible for Benefits

By |2022-03-25T11:56:16-05:00March 25th, 2022|Asset Protection, Estate Planning, Family Planning, Guardianship, Long-Term Care, Medicaid Planning, Planning for Minor Children, Retirement Accounts, Special Needs, Taxes, Trust Administration, Wills & Probatesssss|

When loved ones pass away, there are lots of considerations, including what happens to their Social Security. The decedent’s payments need to be stopped, but survivor’s benefits may be available to the spouse or, in certain cases, children. 

25 03, 2022

What Documents Are Required for a Medicaid Application?

By |2022-03-25T11:56:16-05:00March 25th, 2022|Asset Protection, Estate Planning, Family Planning, Guardianship, Long-Term Care, Medicaid Planning, Planning for Minor Children, Retirement Accounts, Special Needs, Taxes, Trust Administration, Wills & Probatesssss|

Medicaid applicants must prove that they have limited income and assets in order to be eligible for long-term care benefits. Before beginning the application process, it is helpful to understand what is required prove your eligibility. 

25 03, 2022

Court Rules Medicare Beneficiaries Can Appeal Switch to Hospital Observation Status

By |2022-03-25T11:56:15-05:00March 25th, 2022|Asset Protection, Estate Planning, Family Planning, Guardianship, Long-Term Care, Medicaid Planning, Planning for Minor Children, Retirement Accounts, Special Needs, Taxes, Trust Administration, Wills & Probatesssss|

A federal court has ruled that hospitalized Medicare beneficiaries who were switched from inpatient to observation status can appeal the decision, making it easier for them to receive coverage for subsequent nursing home care.

25 03, 2022

Things to Remember at Tax Time

By |2022-03-25T11:56:14-05:00March 25th, 2022|Asset Protection, Estate Planning, Family Planning, Guardianship, Long-Term Care, Medicaid Planning, Planning for Minor Children, Retirement Accounts, Special Needs, Taxes, Trust Administration, Wills & Probatesssss|

Tax day is fast approaching and you want to make sure you're taking advantage of all the deductions and credits you're entitled to.

7 03, 2022

What Will Happen When the Gift and Estate Tax Exemption Gets Cut in Half?

By |2022-03-09T11:32:02-05:00March 7th, 2022|Estate Planning, Taxes|

The estate and gift tax exemption is set to be cut in half in 2026. Proper planning may be necessary to make sure you are taking full advantage of the current exemption and aren’t negatively affected when it decreases.