
7 03, 2022

How to Protect the Identity of Your Deceased Loved Ones From Theft

By |2022-03-09T11:43:51-05:00March 7th, 2022|Identity Theft|

We've all been warned about protecting ourselves from identity theft, but one group of victims can't take action to defend themselves—the dead. There are steps that you can take to discourage identity thieves from targeting a deceased loved one.

14 02, 2022

CMS Now Allows You To Compare Nursing Homes on Staff Turnover Rates and Weekend Help

By |2022-03-01T13:30:44-05:00February 14th, 2022|Long-Term Care, Medicaid Planning, Medicare Planning|

The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services announced that it will add data on staff turnover rates and weekend staffing levels to its Care Compare website, giving consumers another tool when choosing a nursing home. 

8 02, 2022

Worsening Nursing Home Staffing Crisis Taking a Devastating Toll on Residents, Their Families and Hospitals

By |2022-03-01T13:23:26-05:00February 8th, 2022|Retirement Accounts, Wills & Probatesssss|

Overwhelmed by the stress of long hours, low pay and exposure to the COVID-19 virus, nursing home workers are quitting in record numbers. The labor hemorrhage has turned what was already a chronic staffing problem into a full-blown crisis.

8 02, 2022

What Happens to a Medicaid Recipient If the Community Spouse Dies First?

By |2022-03-01T13:14:30-05:00February 8th, 2022|Medicaid Planning|

When one spouse is in a nursing home and applying for Medicaid, planning has to take into account the possibility that the spouse who is not in the nursing home (called the "community spouse") may pass away first.

13 01, 2022

Why You May Need a Trust in Addition to a Power of Attorney

By |2022-01-13T12:20:19-05:00January 13th, 2022|Asset Protection, Estate Planning, Family Planning, Guardianship, Long-Term Care, Medicaid Planning, Retirement Accounts, Special Needs, Taxes, Trust Administration, Wills & Probatesssss|

While everyone should have a durable power of attorney that appoints someone to act for them if they become incapacitated, in some circumstances it is not enough. In these cases, a revocable trust can help.